Otuke District, Northen Uganda
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Fountain of Life Uganda

A women-led indigenous/community-based organization that was formed in December, 2012 as a response strategy to address the challenges faced by women and girls in the community at a grass root level.

Indigenous women voices in Otuke district was not being respected at household levels because the men were the sole decision makers over the affairs of women and girls, the traditional court systems that settled conflicts at clan levels most times also violated the rights of widows, single mothers, unmarried women, married women and girls whenever cases would arise, this traditional court systems were dominated by men and they would address issues in favor of men then women and girls were seen as mere properties belonging to men.

Our areas of interventions are agriculture, water and environment, climate change, human rights needs, education, political participation and entrepreneurship. When all these interventions are successful, then we will have achieved our vision of creating a peaceful, equal, balanced, and a prosperous society that is free from any form of discrimination based on sex, gender, race, colour, age and sexual orientations.


Our Mission

To help marginalized groups to recognize the needs of their community and through their own contribution in fullling those needs develop and improve their welfare, knowledge and skills as well as to build their high moral principles.


Our Vission

To create a peaceful, equal and balanced and prosperous society free from any form of encumbrances through a bottom up approach to community needs.

“Violence against women” is understood as a violation of human rights and a form of discrimination against women and shall mean all acts of gender‐based violence that result in, or are likely to result in, physical, sexual, psychological or economic harm or suering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life ”

Support Team

The FOLU Board of Directors

Molly Bella Akello

Executive Director

Odongo Gabriel

International Coordinator

Ongom Joel

Treasure to the board

Odoc who is a humble peasant farmer reported his case to the local court saying he had been suering silently and ignorantly from his wife’s behavior.

Mr. Odoc Samual
Domestic Violence

Five months after giving birth, her husband neglected her, started coming home late in the night or not at all.

Ms. Barbara Acen
Farmily Negligence

Mr. Omono is a role model in Ogor to other drinking husbands how one can actually change and become a better person.

Mr. Omono James
Postive Change
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Connect with Us Now

    Fountain of Life Uganda is a women-led indigenous/community-based organization that was formed in December, 2012 as a response strategy to address the challenges faced by women and girls in the community at a grass root level.

    Otuke District, Uganda

    +256 772 346131
